Zadnjiški Ozebnik


Less-known mountain above the Zadnjica valley with a beautiful view of the peaks above the Soča river valley.

Zadnjiški ozebnik


From the parking lot in Zadnjica, we continue along the gravel road. The road takes us past the vacation homes. After about 15 minutes, it brings us to the place where the road splits into two parts (there used to be a parking lot at the intersection, but today parking is prohibited). 

zadnjiški ozebnik
zadnjiški ozebnik

We continue on the lower right road (on the upper road we reach the freight cable car that leads to Pogačnik hut on Kriški podi) in the direction of Dolič, Luknja and Prehodavci. At first, we follow the winding road, which leads us over scenic meadows, and higher up through the forest, almost to its end, or more precisely to the marked crossroad, where the marked trail towards Prehodavci branches off to the right (it takes about 1 hour to get here).

zadnjiški ozebnik
zadnjiški ozebnik

From the crossroad in the area called Utro, we continue to the right (straight towards Luknja, Triglav and Dolič), where we first cross partly overgrown gravel and some streams. After a few minutes of crossing with a few short ups and downs, we arrive at the beginning of Zadnjiški dol. Here the path begins to climb moderately on the right side of the valley. Higher up, the path turns a little more to the right, where it temporarily takes us into the forest, and then returns to a more rocky part.

zadnjiški ozebnik

The path ahead leads us to a well, next to which there is a small bench where we can rest. After that, the path climbs moderately to steeply for some time and gradually passes to the scree slope below Zadnjiški Ozebnik. With a view of the nearby peaks, we then climb to the  saddle Čez dol, where the path flatens and splits into two parts. The left path leads to Prehodavci, and the lower right path leads to Trenta. We choose the lower right path, which we follow only a few 10 steps, or to a nearby stone statue. There we leave the marked path and head right to the initially barely visible trail that crosses the overgrown grassy saddle Čez dol.

On the northern side of the Čez dol saddle, we arrive at the southern slopes of Zadnjiški Ozebnik or, at first, the slopes of Veliki Konj. At first, the trail, which is barely visible, leads us further over grassy slopes overgrown with belts of low dwarf pines. 

zadnjiški ozebnik
zadnjiški ozebnik

Higher up, the path takes us to a shorter, indistinct valley, from which we reach the ridge of Zadnjiški Ozebnik with the help of a few rocky towers. Here we continue to the right and continue along the very scenic ridge. The peak, which we can already see in front of us, is reached after about 5 minutes of further walking.

zadnjiški ozebnik
zadnjiški ozebnik


Naše sodobno apartmajsko naselje obsega 4 objekte in ponuja 19 nadstandardnih apartmajev v katerih sta si roke podali tradicija in udobje. Naša nastanitev nudi odlične možnosti sprostitve po aktivnem dnevu:

  • whirlpool in savna,
  • masaže v apartmaju,
  • najem športne opreme (vključno s pohodniškimi palicami in električnimi kolesi),
  • pomoč pri organizaciji dodatnih aktivnosti

Apartmaji so zasnovani s spoštovanjem do neokrnjene narave Triglavskega narodnega parka in kulturne dediščine lokalnega okolja. Odlikuje jih prostornost, svetlost, skrbno izbrani naravni materiali in vrhunska oprema v sodobnem alpskem stilu.

apartmaji bovec