Dolina Soče je prava zakladnica energijskih točk. Le te so dokaj neobljudene ter ljudem še precej neznane. Najbolj znana energijsko močna točka se nahaja pod pobočjem Krna, znana pod imenom megalitski krogi.
There is a beautifully preserved megalithic circle on the southern slope of Krna. In addition to visiting and experiencing the circle during the summer, we also visit the Zaslap mountain, where we learn about shepherd life and the production of mountain cheese. To the right of this mountain is the mountain Leskovaca, where there is also another circle.
Duration: approx. 5 hours
Price: 180 euros – the price is fixed, regardless of the number of participants
Transport: at your own expense
There was an old sanctuary above the village of Volče, which was destroyed in the sixteenth century when a church was erected on this site. Two hundred years later, the church was abandoned and now only ruins are visible. In addition to the main one, there are two more circles and a healing spring. The story of Belin’s throne remained in oral tradition.
On the other bank of the Soča is the healing spring Grofova voda, which is reputed to be the most energetically powerful in Europe.
Duration: approx. 5 hours
Price: 180 euros – the price is fixed, regardless of the number of participants
Transportation: at your own expense
Breginjski kot has a rather extensive oral tradition about the life of our ancestors. There is a mini-museum in the village of Potoki. Along the river Nadiža are the famous giant rocks. After the earthquake, only the village core remained of the village of Breginj. On the slope of Breginjski Stol is the shrine of St. Marjeta. Interesting stories will be told about everything.
Duration: approx. 5 hours
Price: 180 euros – the price is fixed, regardless of the number
Transportation: at your own expense
Church of St. Lenart is covered by the former sanctuary of our ancestors. The energetically powerful area is enriched by a healing spring with energetically powerful water. Further up the slope we will visit the energy circuit. Along the road is the Strma kašta spring, and for a full day’s wandering we also visit the Gljun spring.
Duration: approx. 5 hours
Price: 180 euros – the price is fixed, regardless of the number
Transportation: at your own expense
Jože Munih je po poklicu inženir strojništva, vendar je svoje življenje posvetil raziskovanju zdravilnih vodnih izvirov, starih svetišč in ver. S tem se ukvarja že več kot 30 let.
Prav tako se ukvarja tudi z radiostezijo. Je izkušen vodnik, kateri vas bo popeljal v zdravilni svet neokrnjenih izvirov in starodavnih naravnih svetišč.
Pomladni in poletni dnevi so idealni za raziskovanje Doline Soče ali morda kar celodnevne izlete v manj znane kraje, ki slovijo po dobrih energijah. Današnji ritem življenja je hiter, prenatrpan, dinamičen in po navadi poskrbimo najprej za vse, razen zase. Prav to nas privede do izčrpanosti, saj vlagamo preveč energije v stvari, ki bi morale biti sekundarnega pomena. Na prvem mestu bi namreč morali biti mi sami. Potrebujemo ravnovesje. Dobimo ga lahko v sožitju z naravo, kjer si lahko pomagamo z energijskimi točkami.
Sv. Lenart
Pobočja pod Krnom, kjer se nahajajo megalitski krogi
Belinov tron
Dodatni opis.
Naše sodobno apartmajsko naselje obsega 4 objekte in ponuja 19 nadstandardnih apartmajev v katerih sta si roke podali tradicija in udobje. Naša nastanitev nudi odlične možnosti sprostitve po dnevu v naravi:
Apartmaji so zasnovani s spoštovanjem do neokrnjene narave Triglavskega narodnega parka in kulturne dediščine lokalnega okolja. Odlikuje jih prostornost, svetlost, skrbno izbrani naravni materiali in vrhunska oprema v sodobnem alpskem stilu.
Bodite obveščeni o novostih in prejmite naše najboljše ponudbe.
Naložbo (vavčer za digitalni marketing – izdelava spletne strani, spletne trgovine, rezervacijske platforme in mobilne aplikacije) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.